How Can Men Catch Up?

Q: How will women ever catch up in terms of reward with men when they have to miss Salaat and Siyam due to their periods? It’s not a woman’s fault that she gets the periods?

A: In fact, the question ought to be:

  1. How can a man catch up with a woman as she continues getting reward even without performing Salaat and without fasting in Ramadhaan?

  2. How can a man catch up with a woman for the reward she gets when she conceives and carries her child. She is rewarded for every second of the pregnancy.

  3. How can a man catch up with a woman for the reward she gets in lieu of the pain of birth.

  4. How can a man catch up with a woman for the reward she gets for being a mother and nursing her child?

  5. The list of how can a man catch up with a woman goes on as a daughter, sister and all that comes in her path of feminism.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai,