taken from www.alinaam.org.za

Hadith 1

Hadhrat Nu'maan ibn Basheer (ra) narrates that Rasulullah (saw) said, "You will see the believers in their mutual mercy for one another, mutual love for one another, and mutual companion for one another like a body. When one limb (of the body) complains, that affects the entire body by being awake and having fever." (Mishkaat pg.422; Qadeemi)

Hadith 2

Hadhrat Abu Musa (ra) narrates that Rasulullah (saw) said, "A believer to a believer is like a building that strengthens one another (with each brick)." (Ibid)

Hadith 3

Hadhrat Ibn Umar (ra) narrates that Rasulullah (saw) said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so do not oppress him and do not hand him over (to the mercy of the enemies when he is in trouble)." (Ibid)

Hadith 4

Hadhrat Aamir ibn Maalik, the leader of the tribe of Bani Sulaym requested the help of Rasulullah (saw) against the enemies of his tribe. Rasulullah (saw) accepted his request and sent seventy Sahaaba (ra) who were Qurraa (experts in the recitation of the noble Qur'an). The tribe of Banu Sulaym surrounded these Sahaaba (ra) by a place called Bir Ma'oona and murdered them.

Jibraaeel (as) informed Rasulullah (saw) of the incident and conveyed to him the heartfelt message of the Qurraa:

Transliteration: Ballighuw annaa qawmanaa innaa laqaynaa rabbanaa faradhiya 'annaa wa aradhnaa "Inform our people that we met our Rabb. He was pleased with us and (in turn) pleased us."

This incident caused great grief to Rasulullah. Abdullah ibn Mas'ood (ra) narrates that Rasulullah (saw) recited Qunoot Naazila for one month continuously cursing the tribe of Bani Sulaym. (Bukhari vol.2 pg.586; Thanwi)

In view of the above, the Fuqahaa have ruled that when the Ummat is in a crisis, they should follow the Sunnah practise of Qunoot-e-Naazila and make Du'aa for the Ummah.

Once again Daarul Islaam (Afghanistan) and Daarul Kufr (America and its allies) are at crossroads and we should resort to the Sunnat practise of Qunoot-e-Naazila.


  • In Fajr Salaat, after the Ruku of the second Rakaat, the Imaam will make audible Du'aa. The Muqtadee (followers) will listen to the Du'aa and say, Aameen softly during the pauses of the Imaam's Du'aa. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah vol.2 pg.138)
  • The Muqtadis will not recite the Du'aa with the Imaam. (I'elaa-us-Sunan vol.6 pg.120; Idaratul Qur'an)
  • The Imaam and the Muqtadis should not raise their hands during the Du'aa. The hands should be left by their sides. (Shaami vol.2 pg.9; HM Saeed)
  • Upon completion of the Du'aa, they will go into Sajdah and complete the Salaat as normal.
  1. Qunoot-e-Naazila may be recited by the Imaam during Fajr Salaat. A Munfarid (person performing Fardh Salaat individually) may not recite Qunoot-e-Naazila. (Shaami vol.2 pg.11; HM Saeed)
  2. One may also recite Qunoot-e-Naazila in Nafl Salaat, performed individually during the night. (Fataawa Mahmoodiya vol.2 pg.138)
  3. Females may also recite Qunoot-e-Naazila in Nafl Salaat.


Hadhrat Ibn Abbaas (ra) narrates: Rasulullah (saw) would teach us the following Du'aa to be recited in the Salaat of Fajr:

Allaahumma ihdinaa feeman hadayta
Wa 'aafinaa feeman 'aafayta
Wa Tawallanaa feeman tawallayta
Wabaarik lanaa feemaa a'atwayta
Wa qinaa sharra maa Qadhayta
Fainnaka taqdhwiy walaa yuqdhwaa 'alayka
Wa Innahuu laa yadhillu man waalayta
Walaa ya'izzu man 'aadayta
Tabaarakta rabbanaa wa ta'aalayta


O Allah! grant me guidance (and make me from) among those You have guided
Grant me Well-being among those You have granted well-being
Count me from among your allies
and bless me in all You have granted me
Protect me from (any) evil (resulting out) of your Decree
Verily judgment is Your prerogative and none can overturn Your judgment
Certainly! No disgrace can touch he whom You have befriended nor honor he who incites Your enmity

The Ulama have advised that the Du'aa should be according to the prevailing situation. (Subul-salaam vol.1 pg.186; Darun Nashril Kitaab)

Therefore, other Du'aas narrated in the Qur'an or Hadith or such Du'aas not resembling Kalaamun-Naas (such speech that can be sought from people as well) may be recited in Arabic. To recite Du'aas during Salaat in any other language is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi. (Shami vol.1 pg.524; HM Saeed)